Highly Recommended by Locals On Alignable Sage Piano Studio,Music Instructor,Sooke,BC Sage Piano Studio,Music Instructor,Sooke,BC
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Music is a source of comfort and peace as well as connection between family and friends. It promotes development in babies and young children, bonds families across generations, and stimulates areas of the brain involved with motivation, reward, and emotion. I feel so strongly how much learning a musical instrument benefits anyone. For this reason, I am offering a special for the month of June to share my love of music. For the month of June, sign up for "Hooked on Piano" and you will get 50% off.

Have you ever wanted to see if your son or daughter would like to learn to play the piano, but didn't want to commit to a semester? Hooked on Piano is a great way to find out. This is a 12-week course to introduce children to the piano. When the course is finished, your child will be able to play some songs they know - Hot Cross Buns, Mary Had a Little Lamb, The Wheels on the Bus and more. There are fun games included and they will be able to compose their own pieces. Once the course is finished, you get to make the decision to continue or not. That's the beauty of this program. Another perk is that the lessons can be in a group setting, one-on-one or online.

To register, please fill out the Student Registration Page on this site.


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